"Messiah" Tagged Touchpoints
Jesus Cliff Notes
“This is the story we have to tell. The story of a God who is bigger than we can imagine. The story of One who embraces more than we can embrace. One who is beyond our limits.”
Bread to Die For
“Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” He said, “Moses and I are not the Father. Only God the father gives bread from heaven. We are the gift given to you for life and true liberation.” Using Father as the term for the source of all things is bad science now that we know a mother isn’t just an incubator and man the origin of both egg and sperm. Father represented the source of all things. No wonder Jesus referred to all his friends as his mothers and brothers. When we are together inclusively, we honor the Christ in all people. It is ours to remove the obstacles for people to crawl to spiritual freedom in a world that creates obstacle courses.”
Word Swaddling
“It is a Word that can only be birthed in humbleness. This might sound trite, but maybe that’s the problem. I’m afraid to appear simple minded to others if I say the ord. This Word is available to all of us but we see it as ineffective, inefficient, and powerless. That Word is love. In my opinion, our modern culture does not see God as Word with the same fervency as the Jews and the Greeks did.”
Cliff Hanger
Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. The Messiah of all. They got up, drove him out of town, and led him up to the brow of a hill on which their town was built, so that they might hurl him off the cliff.” Luke 4: 14-30 Why do I get the feeling this Touchpoint isn’t going to end well? Sometimes I wonder about the people who came up with the…
I AM (not)
This is the SIN the Lamb of God takes away from the world – our trying to be or become THAT which we think we NEED to be. Because when you realize you are not the Messiah, you actually get your life back as a gift – to be lived – and not something you have to save.