"Mary" Tagged Touchpoints

"Mary" Tagged Touchpoints

Touchpoint: Jesus turns water into wine. Watercolor image by Louis Kahan of the Wedding at Cana, Jesus turning water into wine

Do That Thing You Do

“It may seem unorthodox according to temple rules, but maybe it wasn’t so unorthodox after all. Maybe it was simply the truth—that there was no more need for ceremonial washing water. All was becoming new—not just the joining of two people in marriage but the joining together of the embodied Christ and new wine.”

Magic, Miracles or Mystery?

“The unconditional presence of Spirit midwifed my own inner birth. The One who awakens me in the mornings of my distress with the anointing of compassion. In me, the power of pride is brought down and my soul is grateful.”
Touchpoint Wednesday Respite Two Women Meet

Two Women

“On the one hand, I am fully aware that I am not among the 1% and so I kind of like the idea of bringing the mighty and powerful down, but I don’t have to drive more than a few minutes from here to realize that to a great many people, I am the proud, the powerful, and the rich.”

Mary Christmas

Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. “Hail, favored one. The Lord is with you.”   And, “Your relative Elizabeth…has also conceived a son.” Luke 1: 26-38 Wow! What an incredible thing to hear. The Lord is with you. The Lord has found favor with you. Who wouldn’t want that?! But then, as Paul Harvey would say, there is the “Rest of the story.” “You Mary, are so favored by God, and…