"light of the world" Tagged Touchpoints
Who Are You?
“Rather than entering the season as cynical adults, perhaps we should enter as children. I think children know the difference between Santa Claus and God better than we do. We sometimes think we are both. Maybe we should begin as a child, wondering who this God is, as though for the first time, rather than wondering who is behind the beard.”
Inner Light, Outer Darkness
“Outer light illumines what we see. Inner light illumines what we can’t see. When our outer world brings us to our knees in darkness, we must attempt to create our own light. Like the man serving a life term, we must depend on the inextinguishable light.”
Our Blinding Vision
“Let me give you a far-out hypothetical – let’s just say there was a deadly virus running rampant across the world. We wouldn’t be focused on where it came from, naming it after the city or country it started in, seeking to blame someone… How barbaric would that be? NO, we would be focused on stopping its spreading, testing for it, curing it… Right?!? Isn’t it nice to know how far we’ve evolved?”
God is Unsettling
Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. Blessed to be a blessing. Now the LORD said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house … and I will bless you … so that you will be a blessing.’” Genesis 12:1-4a This is one of those bible passages that summarizes the life of faith for me as well or better than any others. And there are two…
God-Flavors and God-Colors
“Their poverty of spirit, their pain and hungering, their meekness are no longer the condition of a hopeless humanity, but the soil from which God’s life-giving action will grow. Their stains are the window through which God’s light will shine.”