"incarnation" Tagged Touchpoints

"incarnation" Tagged Touchpoints

Remember you are dust Touchpoint

The Second Dust-Up

“You see, it was dust and dirt from which we were created, and dust and dirt into which the Mystery gladly breathed its breath and Spirit, and then declared us ‘Very Good.’”
Poured out for you Touchpoint

God’s Wedding Reception

“This miracle story isn’t about celebrating the marriage of two people. It is a celebration of the marriage of God, the Divine, the Mystery, with humanity, with you and me. There are no roads that lead to God because God has come to be with us. God has come to marry us. Unite with us. Become one with us.”
The light shines in the darkness

The Light

“You know, we think that it is on Good Friday, on the cross, that God sacrifices God’s self. But actually, it’s at Christmas, in the incarnation, that the Divine is sacrificed. Think of the words we most often use to describe God. All-knowing, All-powerful, All-present. But here, at Christmas, in the incarnation, God sacrifices all of that to be at-one with us. God sacrifices it all to live and dwell amongst us. God sacrifices it all to bring the light to us.”
A piece of cake illustrating Touchpoint from 8/11/21

Feast on Life

Maybe all of existence is part of “I Am.” And so when we eat, we eat “I Am.” And when we breathe, we breathe “I Am.” And when we open our eyes in the morning we see “I Am.” And when we touch, and listen and take in the whole world, we are taking in “I Am.”

Time For a Spring Dirting

Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. 3:19b Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19b It’s probably one of the least popular phrases in our liturgical year. If you were to conduct a survey of favorite worship lines or phrases, I doubt it would rank up there with “This is the feast of victory for our God.” Or even, “Lamb of God, you take away…