"imperfection" Tagged Touchpoints

"imperfection" Tagged Touchpoints

Touchpoint: I Am the Bread of Life; watercolor image of a loaf of bread on a breadboard

Bread to Die For

“Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” He said, “Moses and I are not the Father. Only God the father gives bread from heaven. We are the gift given to you for life and true liberation.” Using Father as the term for the source of all things is bad science now that we know a mother isn’t just an incubator and man the origin of both egg and sperm. Father represented the source of all things. No wonder Jesus referred to all his friends as his mothers and brothers. When we are together inclusively, we honor the Christ in all people. It is ours to remove the obstacles for people to crawl to spiritual freedom in a world that creates obstacle courses.”
Touchpoint: All who exalt themselves will be humbled; Illustration of prideful woman looking at herself in the mirror

Random Acts of Narcissism

“I have encountered many in recovery who believe their addiction prevents them from intimacy with God. They say their goal is to get closer to God again. My answer to sinners is the same as to addicts, as they are both the same: “You can’t get any closer to God then you are. To be separate is an illusion.” Our practices of awareness open us to experience what always was and is. God is always inviting us to the experience of holy mingling. What better earthly seat is there, what title, what place in line? We are seated in heavenly places!”
Embracing Imperfection Touchpoint; detail image old of statue thinking

Following the WAY Jesus Follows

“But it seems that something is different about the kingdom of the Divine. For according to these stories we have today, the deep Mystery is that when purity touches impurity, Purity wins. And when uncleanliness touches cleanliness, Cleanliness wins. In the kingdom of God, purity and cleanliness appear to be contagious. Death, disease and sin do not. When impurity touches purity, it becomes pure. And when uncleanliness is touched by cleanliness, it becomes clean.”