"identity" Tagged Touchpoints

"identity" Tagged Touchpoints

Touchpoint: The Baptism of Jesus; watercolor image by Daniel Bonnell of the Baptism of Jesus

The Powerlessness of Jesus

“I’m not saying Jesus was or wasn’t God. I’m saying what we know is that Jesus was a man who saw deeply into the mystical oceans of connection and Divine love without ever claiming to be anything other than human, yet still one with God. Jesus was a man who acknowledged the frailty and resilience of humanity, yet embodied hope for us all, a man whose voice cried, “You belong” to the adulteress, the leper, the thief, and the Pharisee. His love and compassion unmasked their false identities and declared, “You belong.” Undeserved, unearned and seemingly out of nowhere, “You belong.” You belong, and have always belonged, and will always belong to the Divine Oneness of the Mystery we call God. What you’re seeking is knowing this and waking up to it – as it always was, and is and always will be. Even when you didn’t know it, you belonged.”
Touchpoint: I Am the Bread of Life; watercolor image of a loaf of bread on a breadboard

Bread to Die For

“Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” He said, “Moses and I are not the Father. Only God the father gives bread from heaven. We are the gift given to you for life and true liberation.” Using Father as the term for the source of all things is bad science now that we know a mother isn’t just an incubator and man the origin of both egg and sperm. Father represented the source of all things. No wonder Jesus referred to all his friends as his mothers and brothers. When we are together inclusively, we honor the Christ in all people. It is ours to remove the obstacles for people to crawl to spiritual freedom in a world that creates obstacle courses.”
Touchpoint: Abide in My Love; mosaic image of two hands folding a heart

The Way to Complete Joy

“Jesus provided the greatest command for living a life of joy, friendship, and love. He basically said, ‘I am welcoming you to abide in the agape (love of God). Bask in it and breathe it in. Be in awe of it then welcome (agapao) others. Do this as you are abiding.’”
Touchpoint: Your true self. Watercolor image of butterflies flying out of a woman's head

Third Party Gods

“Let’s each ask ourselves, ‘Where do we linger the most? Where do we abide? What stokes our inner fire?’ This is an invitation, not a judgment. Compassion longs to take us by the hand and walk with us. Spirit’s compassion will celebrate the uncovering of false identities we’ve created, both of ourselves and of the third party gods.”
Touchpoint Temptation of Jesus; photo close up of statue showing Christ suffering

The King of Hearts

“Remember when, for positive thinking, we were supposed to state and repeat the promises of God? Well, here’s one of the promises that was never included in the bunch. Jesus said, “In this world there will be trouble.” (John 16:33) You’ll never see this promise as a magnet on a refrigerator. I get the feeling Jesus’ time in the wilderness was not far from his mind when he said this. Indeed, there is trouble in our outer and inner worlds.”
Touchpoint: Jesus went away to a solitary place. Image is a painting by Briton Riviere called Christ in the Wilderness (1899)

Engaging Solitude

“We are vulnerable in our loneliness, but Jesus sought engagement with the light that was previously revealed to him in the Jordan. He quoted words that he held on to his whole young life. He had no desire to be famous or powerful. In this moment, when his fame was at its peak, it was time to go to a solitary place for authentic connection. What a paradox that in a crowd, we may need to be alone to connect.”
Touchpoint: Fishers of Men; watercolor of disciples with nets in the water beside a boat

Catch and Release

“Satan is called the Prince of the Air. Of the air! What a joke! Evil and all its negativity does not have power except that which is given. It demands a response and receptivity to give it breath. Until then, it is just air. Spirit is breath. The breath we breathe. Evil has lost an eternal battle and simply annoys us in its desperate, vulnerable state.”
Touchpoint: Sing a New Song; image of bird chirping at sunset

A New Song

“It appears to me that Jesus is constantly trying to save people from themselves… from our egos searching for identity and value in the wrong places. Doesn’t it seem like that to you? These guys come to him and say, “What is your opinion on Caesar’s empire built on unfair taxes?” Jesus says in effect, ‘Here’s what I think of your unfair tax. You rob people of their assets for a coin that is worth much less.'”
Touchpoint: Worthy of Belonging. Image of people cut out of paper, clasping hands

The Divine Slam Dunk

“What we think may not be the authority, but it reveals what we have surrendered to. If we believe that we belong once we ask the Spirit to indwell, then prior to this moment, we did not belong. There would be prerequisites. What if we always belonged in our intrinsic nature? Changing our thinking, metanoia (repentance), is simply surrendering to the declared truth that always was.”
Take Up Your Cross Toucnpoint; image by Wayne Pascall of a man whose shadow is carrying a cross

Losing It

“Found in our lostness. What a frightening and freeing prospect. So, maybe I should have a bumper sticker that says “I lost it,” rather than “I found it.” And yet, it is exactly this ‘lostness’ that Jesus is calling me to lean into, to walk into, to embrace. And to embrace not only my ‘lostness,’ but embrace all the others who society has deemed ‘lost’ and ‘irredeemable.’”