"Christmas story" Tagged Touchpoints
Breathtakingly Normal
“It’s like when you say “I love you” to somebody. That isn’t the only moment that you love them. No, you say it because you want them to see that every moment that takes place between the two of you is filled with your love for them. Or at least, that is your hope.”
God With Us
“And so the AT-ONE-MENT is begun in the manger. “It is finished” on the cross. God sacrifices Godself to be one with us. This is fully symbolized in holy communion: “…my body, my blood, broken and shed for you.” God sacrifices Godself as a “wholly other” to break down and become a “God with us.” The sacrifice of God is begun in the manger.”
Two Women
“On the one hand, I am fully aware that I am not among the 1% and so I kind of like the idea of bringing the mighty and powerful down, but I don’t have to drive more than a few minutes from here to realize that to a great many people, I am the proud, the powerful, and the rich.”
God’s Homecoming
“The parable of the ‘lost sheep’ isn’t about a sheep that wanders off to find God so he can slap a sticker on his bumper that says, “I Found It!” No, it’s about a Christ that comes to us—not only when we are staying safely within the fold—but one that comes searching for us even as we wander off.”