"Child of God" Tagged Touchpoints
Engaging Solitude
“We are vulnerable in our loneliness, but Jesus sought engagement with the light that was previously revealed to him in the Jordan. He quoted words that he held on to his whole young life. He had no desire to be famous or powerful. In this moment, when his fame was at its peak, it was time to go to a solitary place for authentic connection. What a paradox that in a crowd, we may need to be alone to connect.”
Look Out!
“We can’t sit on our fannies and expect people to come to us (salt lick). We must meet others where they are at. Flavor their lives where they are at. We must connect to others in their language and concepts.”
Justified By God, Our Default Setting
Grace and Peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” Luke 18:9-14 With all due respect to Jean-Paul Sartre, this parable could be called “No Exit.” I feel like I am trapped inside of it, and every attempt I make to dissect and diagnose it leaves me in worse shape than when I started. Don’t be like the Pharisee… I mean, the easy thing is to say,…
Straighten Up!!!
“This isn’t a demon inside of her holding her down. This is a demon in the world, its systems, its cultures, that chooses to value people on something other than being children of God.”
The Prodigal Sons
“We have bastardized the Mystery’s grace, the Father’s love. But guess what, there are no bastard children in the family of God. And the door into the house is always open, and the feast never ends. Deniers and betrayers, doubters and cowards are welcome…”
“Perhaps that is why this meal is so important to me. In the night in which he was betrayed, the Christ –who was treasured by no one this night – took bread and wine and said to his disciples, “You are my treasure… This is my body and blood given and shed because I treasure you and ALL PEOPLE.” Here in this meal I experience a Jesus who is all grown up… who has grown bigger than my expectations and understanding… who treasures the untreasurable, forgives the unforgiveable, and loves the unlovable.”
The Great Divide
Grace and Peace to you from the mystery in whom we live and move, and have our being. “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” Mark 7: 24-37 Let’s get one thing perfectly clear before we begin this Touchpoint… I am not a theologian. I am not Jim Hanson, Sheri Brown, Conrad Braaten, Henry Rojas, or any of the many educated and…
Something Needs to be Said
Grace and Peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Mark 1: 4-11 It’s a question of starting point. Where do you start in your journey of faith? What’s the basis for it all? John the Baptist and Jesus seem to have two different starting points. And we seem to like John’s the best. John’s starting point is about us doing something. It…