"Atonement" Tagged Touchpoints
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Tent
“So we – you, me and the Church – participate in the forgiveness of sin by bearing witness to the forgiveness that God pronounced from the Cross. Or we retain the sin, to our detriment, by not bearing witness to God’s grace. But forgiveness is not a possession of ours. It is not under our control. And so, the idea that forgiveness of sin is only available inside the Church is like believing the Spirit can only exist inside our tent, or only in our language and cultural concepts.”
No Stopping God
“Listen to the Passion story once again. Once in history, God took on flesh and walked on this earth proclaiming love and forgiveness to all he met. And we didn’t just reject him. We didn’t just ‘not believe’ him. We killed him. We crucified him. And do you know what he said as he hung from the cross? Father, forgive them.'”
God With Us
“And so the AT-ONE-MENT is begun in the manger. “It is finished” on the cross. God sacrifices Godself to be one with us. This is fully symbolized in holy communion: “…my body, my blood, broken and shed for you.” God sacrifices Godself as a “wholly other” to break down and become a “God with us.” The sacrifice of God is begun in the manger.”
God’s Wedding Reception
“This miracle story isn’t about celebrating the marriage of two people. It is a celebration of the marriage of God, the Divine, the Mystery, with humanity, with you and me. There are no roads that lead to God because God has come to be with us. God has come to marry us. Unite with us. Become one with us.”
The Final Line
Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3: 14-21 It’s always the next line. The one, after the one you know, that is often the key. You know, like… “The wages of sin is death,” You’ve all heard that one or read it on a…