Touchpoints on Ephesians

Touchpoints on Ephesians

Touchpoint: The whole armor of God; image of a man in old-fashioned armor

War No More

“When the temptations come, we may want to draw the sword of warfare, but let’s remember the words Jesus said to Peter when he struck the soldier who threatened Jesus: “Put your sword away, shall I not drink the cup?” Our sword is not the weapon of warfare, but the Word of God which declares us to be people of peace, with armor used to protect our inner truth and protect ourselves from embarking on an unfortunate spiritual insurrection… and doing it in the name of Jesus.”
Touchpoint: Walk as children of light. Image of young boy gazing at a lightbulb with question marks on a chalkboard behind him

Alluring Wisdom

“When have we ever thought wisdom was sexy the way it is written in Proverbs and in the Song of Solomon? Perhaps it’s because today’s leaders prefer fearful, servile, dependent followers to do their bidding. If that sounds familiar…it’s the premise for the movie, ‘Minions’. Passion to to serve others, think measured, and be kind do not make an attractive vote-getter for the restless. Wisdom is not alluring as described in Solomon’s writings; it is an unfortunate obligation and a duty, rather than satisfying to the soul.”