'unconditional love' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

'unconditional love' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

Daily Devotions

because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” vs. 9 Romans 10:8b-13 In his effort to help the Romans understand that salvation is by God’s grace Paul describes what happens as a person comes to faith. It’s really simple, a matter of confession and belief–nothing more is required. And everyone is included, there is no distinction between Jews and Gentiles. Unfortunately…

Daily Devotions

Although I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given to me to bring to the Gentiles the news of the boundless riches of Christ, and to make everyone see what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things;” vss. 8-9      Ephesians 3:1-12 It was apparent to Paul and some other leaders in the early Church that the good news revealed in Christ Jesus had actually been present ages…

Daily Devotions

But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” vs. 33 Jeremiah 31:31-34 The Hebrews had come to believe that there was a special covenant between the Israelites and the Lord, and that the terms of that covenant had been laid out…

Daily Devotions

O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.” vs. 7 Psalm 130 The psalmist was at the end of his rope! Overwhelmed by a deep sense of sin and alienation from God, with all religious resources exhausted, he poured out his heart. Speaking for himself and for his nation, he reminds his readers of two things: with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with the…

Daily Devotions

Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.” vss. 1-2 Psalm 1:1-3 The ancient editors of the scriptures we know as the Psalms chose these verses as an introduction to the whole of the book. It describes in a few words what an…

Daily Devotions

Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord, and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, saying that he has done it.” vss. 30-31  Psalm 22:25-31 Twenty-five hundred years ago the psalmist declared to his congregation that future generations would be told about the Lord and hear the good news of their deliverance. And he was right! The good news of our gracious and merciful God continues to be heard all around the globe in…

Daily Devotions

Psalm 107:1-3 … “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” vs. 1 Stories are often told, hopefully in jest, of crusty old husbands who are reluctant to use the language of love with their spouses because, “I said I loved her once and if I ever change my mind I’ll let her know.” In truth, such foolishness has no place in a marriage. An “I love you” never loses its power…

Daily Devotions

For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” vs. 5 2 Corinthians 4:5-6 Sometimes we encounter people who have a bit of a glow about them, and not because they’ve been drinking. It’s the radiant look in their eyes, a light that we sense comes from deep within them, a light…

Daily Devotions

Psalm 90:5-8, 12 “For we are consumed by your anger; by your wrath we are overwhelmed. You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your countenance.” vss. 7-8 In the wake of the election we’ve seen waves of anger sweeping our country. There have been charges and countercharges, lawsuits filed, along with demonstrations and occasional violent protests. All these are a result of deep-seated resentments and all-consuming wrath. Some are wondering if our elected…

Daily Devotions: July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020   Romans 9:1-2 … “I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience confirms it by the Holy Spirit— I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.” vss. 1-2 Paul has just told his readers that there is absolutely nothing in all of creation, not even death, that can separate us from the love of God. It is without a doubt one of the most reassuring and grace-filled passages in all of scripture–most…

Daily Devotions: January 22, 2020

January 22, 2020  For full passage click:  Psalm 27:6-9  …  Do not hide your face from me. Do not turn your servant away in anger, you who have been my help. Do not cast me off, do not forsake me, O God of my salvation!” vs. 9 The Psalmist had been basking in the glorious goodness of the Lord and celebrating the wonderful feeling of peace and security. But now another feeling has crept into his prayer. For some reason…

Daily Devotions: June 20, 2019

June 20, 2019 For full passage click: Galatians 3:23-26 …“Therefore the law was our disciplinarian until Christ came, so that we might be justified by faith.” vs. 24 The coming of the Christ into the lives of the disciples marked a massive transition. No longer would they be controlled by the external demands of the law. Instead, the Spirit of Christ dwelling in their hearts would guide them on a journey marked by love and compassion. Many of us know…