'God's healing love' Tagged Posts
Daily Devotions
He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.” vs. 3 Psalm 147:1-4, 20c Probably everyone has dealt with deep pain in their lives. We have love relationships that begin well and end with despair and anger. Death seems always to be lurking in the wings and periodically reaches out to snatch a loved one away. Dreams are dashed with the loss of a job or the failure of choice investments. Circumstances vary but the feelings are the same, and…
Daily Devotions
The Lord protects the simple; when I was brought low, he saved me.” vs.6 Psalm 116:6-9 The psalmist had come close to death, but he had survived, not because of his wealth or privilege, or because he had acted with wisdom and valor. He didn’t have any credits to his name, but for some reason the Lord had smiled on him in his misery, and he had been restored to life.There are whole bunches of folks who have had that…