'Giving' Tagged Posts

'Giving' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotions

I will not accept a bull from your house, or goats from your folds. For every wild animal of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.” vss. 9-10 Psalm 50:7-15 The psalmist was convinced that the people were misusing the sacrificial system that had been set up in Israel as a way to connect with the Lord. The people had begun to think that their offerings elevated their own status, a concept that has served as a…

Daily Devotions

Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps faith forever; who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry.” vss. 5-7a Psalm 146:5-10 It is true that we can’t know God–our little minds are limited when it comes to the divine. But that doesn’t mean we have to remain speechless! Like the…

Daily Devotions

May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor.” vs. 4     Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 As the new king ascended the throne in Israel, the psalmist gave voice to the hopes of the people. They had an agenda, and they didn’t have in mind more palaces for the royal family or tax advantages for the rich. The people of Israel yearned for a king who would defend the cause of…

Daily Devotions

Then you, together with the Levites and the aliens who reside among you, shall celebrate with all the bounty that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house.” vs. 11 Deuteronomy 26:1-11 The Israelites, convinced that the God of their ancestors had directed them to cross the Jordan and take possession of the land, codified thanksgiving as a part of their written law. Each year after the harvest they would take a portion of the firstfruits…

Daily Devotions

Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give alms. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven…” vss. 32-33a Luke 12:32-40 About 15-20% of the people who stop breathing and seem to be dying have reported what are known as Near Death Experiences as they recall their memories of what occurred. While reports vary as to what is remembered…

Daily Devotions

And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.” vs. 12 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 It’s a holiday weekend and, while many of us are with family and friends, some are not. For one reason or another, perhaps pandemic related, we haven’t been able to join in the feasting and football watching–we’re separated from those we love. Such was the case for Paul and his…

Daily Devotions

Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’’ vs. 21 Mark 10:17-22 The man was at a crisis point, and probably surprised to find himself there. He’d lived a good life, exemplary even, and had reaped the blessings of hard work and enterprise. He was likely envied by most of his peers–yet something…

Daily Devotions

With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good.” vs. 6 Psalm 54:5-7  The psalmist here gives a glimpse of life under the temple’s sacrificial system. There were a variety of offerings that could be made–the suppliant chose the one that best fit the circumstances. In this case, because the psalmist had been delivered from enemies, he chose to make a free will offering, not because it…

Daily Devotions

Thieves must give up stealing; rather let them labor and work honestly with their own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy.” vs. 28 Ephesians 4:25-28 There’s something delightfully naive about this verse from Ephesians. Usually the writers of scripture come down hard on sinners–thieves are given warnings to change behavior or face harsh consequences. But here there are no threats or condemnation, just a heartfelt admonition for thieves to stop stealing and begin to work…

Daily Devotions

I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need…” vss. 13-14a 2 Corinthians 8:11-15 It seems that some people in the Corinthian congregation were reluctant to share their hard-earned money with the needy folks in Jerusalem. Such feelings are quite common, even in the family of faith. And the more material goods we’ve managed to accumulate the more…

Daily Devotions

Now as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you—so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking.” vs. 7 2 Corinthians 8:7-11 There had been a massive famine in the area of Jerusalem and the Jewish Christians there were struggling mightily. When Paul heard he launched a massive disaster response effort in the congregations he had started. Instructions were sent out to gather a collection that could…

Daily Devotions

How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses to help?” vs. 17 1 John 3:16-17 Sometimes the words of scripture are so plain and obvious that it’s impossible to miss their point. There’s no way to squirm out of the spotlight they shine on our lives. That’s the way it is with the epistle writer, John, today. We don’t know the situation precisely but he…
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