Beth Sikora, PhD

Beth Sikora, PhD

Beth is a licensed professional counselor and a Veriditas trained labyrinth facilitator.

By utilizing a combination of spiritual traditions and experiential spiritual and therapeutic techniques we will work together during retreats on what is stopping you from making your life what you want it to be now … and in the future. I will be with you in your process — whether it is working to improve an experience of depression or anxiety, walking with you as a spiritual companion, caregiving, a journey of personal healing, dealing with the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of cancer or another long-term disorder such as immune disorders, or change in life such as nearing retirement. 

The spiritual practices I most frequently use in retreat settings include a combination of labyrinth, Ignatian exercises, mindful meditation, prayer, contemplative prayer as well as therapeutic art, collage making, journaling, poetry, and other creative avenues.  Once we have been through such growth experiences it is easier to move forward toward our goals and hopes for the future. You possess the strength to heal your life, create what you want in your future, and own and enjoy who you are.

The one thing repeated by most retreat and workshop participants is my ability and desire for each person to have a meaningful and safe experience.  My role is to help you embrace changes and challenges to discover the deepness of your heart, and the power of your spirit.  -Dr. Beth

Dr. Sikora is a PhD level psychotherapist who has over 25 years of private practice therapy experience, often working with clients facing complex medical issues, caregiving burnout, depression, and development of their own spiritual practices. She customizes the process, whether therapy or retreat, for the needs of the individual or group. In 2018 she became a Veriditas trained labyrinth facilitator and enjoys bringing the labyrinth into spiritual retreats. For more information, please visit her website at: and call her at 602-508-9190 or her practice manager, Angie Read at 706-414-0898 for more information. 

Director of Advancement
Chanse Frenette
Deborah Hutterer