Daily Devotions: September 4, 2019

Daily Devotions: September 4, 2019

September 4, 2019

For full passage click: Psalm 1:4-6 … “The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.” vs. 4

The imagery used by the Psalmist calls to mind the hilltop threshing floors used by farmers to separate the wheat from the chaff at harvest time. As they tossed the separated grain into the air, the chaff would be blown away by the wind while the heavier wheat would fall back to the earth. The metaphor implies that one day there will be a separation between the wicked and the righteous. The problem with this dualistic approach to describing humanity is obvious–this isn’t how life is! It simply isn’t true that there are two categories of people, the good and the bad! We’ve used that kind of language far too long and it’s led to some really messed up thinking. The truth is that all people are the children of God and are created in the divine image, and all have fallen short of the glory of God. We’ve all been touched by the power of sin–none are able to escape its influence. All of us need cleansing and restoration and that’s exactly what is happening in the Kingdom of God. The wind from God, which in the words of Genesis,  brooded over the waters in the midst of chaos, continues to blow through our lives now. This Holy Spirit blows away the chaff, all the residue of sin, cleanses hearts, and restores a right spirit within us. Come, Holy Spirit, blow through my life today!

Thought for the Day: Where do I experience the wind from God?


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