Philippians 2:1-4 … “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” vss. 3-4
As Paul bares his soul to his friends in the Philippian community, we see clearly what he desires for them in their life together. Living in Christ will be different from life in the world. No longer will they be dominated by desires to accumulate power, prestige, and wealth. Instead, coming from every level of society, they will adopt new standards and put aside their selfish ambitions and petty conceits. In essence they will be the Body of the Risen Christ, full of humility and love, and looking only to the interests of others. Some of us have been blessed to be a part of such communities, and it is a truly wonderful thing to experience. Our congregations have included people from all walks of life: CEO’s, executives, police, teachers, workers, servants, bosses, artists, people with a variety of gifts and talents, but in their community of faith each of them have sought only to love and serve, following the example of Jesus. There’s no flaunting of wealth or power and people don’t know GPA’s or credit scores. Members of such a community come together in a mutual love of the Lord and a desire to assist others in times of need. This is life in Christ as Paul imagined it, and when it happens God is glorified.
Thought for the Day: Where have I experienced community as Paul described it?