I am hard pressed between the two: my desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better; but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you.” vss. 23-24
Philippians 1:21-26
While in prison Paul began thinking about death and then shared his reflections in this letter to his friends in Philippi. Knowing that death was not the end and that there would be new life for him in Christ, he wasn’t afraid to die. But he also knew that to remain alive would give him an opportunity to continue sharing the good news of Jesus. It’s interesting how our thoughts about death change as we begin to get older. In our younger years we generally are focused on the joys and pleasures of being alive. Many of us have work that we love, and we don’t even like to think about any of those good things coming to an end. But sooner or later we’re forced to come to grips with our own mortality. No matter how much we cling to life it becomes obvious that there will be an end. When that happens it’s a blessing to realize that new life in Christ awaits, but it’s even better to know that life, even beyond the golden years, is still worth living, especially when we are still loved and appreciated by others. And if we still have work to do, all the better – each added month is a blessing. Paul is right! For people of faith, death is a defeated enemy – there’s no way that we can lose!
Thought for the Day: What do I do with thoughts of dying?