October 9, 2019
For full passage click: Psalm 111:6-10 … “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever.” vs. 10
Wisdom has been prized through all generations and many continue to pursue it. Some confuse it with knowledge and believe that if they go to school, study, and graduate with honors they’ll have it. For them, it’s connected to having all the answers. The Psalmist would not agree. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with knowledge and it’s probably wise to learn all we can about how this world operates, but that’s not wisdom. Wisdom is what allows us to use our knowledge and experience to make good choices and decisions about our path in life. It’s certainly a quality that we crave for ourselves and our children in these turbulent times. It’s hard to know just how we become wise; for some it almost seems to be a gift–we know it when we see it. The Psalmist suggests that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and his insight has merit. Of course, he’s not saying that we should be afraid of God. He’s speaking of something more along the lines of respect and honor. To fear the Lord is to have reverence for the Creator and all that exists. It requires deep humility, knowing that we aren’t God, and being content with being human. In other words, the road to wisdom is a spiritual journey, not an intellectual one, but blessings abound when we arrive!
Thought for the Day: Who are the wise people in my life?