Daily Devotions: November 9, 2019

Daily Devotions: November 9, 2019

November 9, 2019    

For full passage click: Luke 20: 27-33 … “Some Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection, came to him and asked him a question, ‘…the woman also died. In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife will the woman be? For the seven had married her.’” vs. 27, 32-33

The Pharisees and Sadducees, the two major parties among the Jews, disagreed about the resurrection. For the Sadducees, since it wasn’t mentioned in the Torah, it couldn’t be true. They believed in God and followed the Law, they just believed that when a person died, that was it. So they arrange a ridiculous scenario about marriage after death and play, “Stump the Rabbi” with Jesus. Their method is familiar. There are many people in our world who have decided that the Sadducees are right; and to debunk notions about life-after-death, they create literalistic pictures of the resurrected life that can be easily ridiculed. That didn’t work with Jesus and it shouldn’t work with us either. The truth is that there are no logical, objective arguments either for or against life-after-death, it’s totally a matter of trust. Either we believe or we don’t–the decision comes from our hearts and not from our heads. Those who believe in life-after-death trust in the continuing presence of Jesus Christ in their lives, and they believe that when their life on earth is ended they will be welcomed into that eternal presence and find perfect rest and peace. There’s power in such trust–and comfort when death draws near–even if we can’t prove it! It’s certainly a belief worth hanging on to!

Thought for the Day: Why do I believe in the resurrection?


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