Daily Devotions: November 21, 2018

Daily Devotions: November 21, 2018

November 21, 2018

To read full passage click: Psalm 126 …“The Lord has done great things for us, and we rejoiced.” vs. 3

People of every tribe and nation all around the world, consistently take time in the course of a year for great celebrations of thanksgiving. Even when times have been bad, when drought and tragedy have come near, we’ve found reasons for giving thanks. Our persistence surely means that there’s a thanksgiving gene encoded in the spirals of our DNA. That’s certainly true for us as Christians. Our faith ancestors have quarreled about many things but all have taken time to give thanks and praise to God for the bounty of creation and the wonders of life. And it’s more than good manners, or a habit instilled in us by our parents. We just know at the heart of our being that we are the beneficiaries of a generous and loving God, and nothing comes because of our own merit or worthiness. Everything we are and have is a gift! And the only response that makes sense is a simple “thanks” that comes not only from the lips but from the heart. And we’ll do this not only on our great national day of thanksgiving, but every day of our lives. What a blessing it is to wake each morning with a prayer of gratitude on our lips! Not only have we had another night of rest, we now have a new day in which to revel in the precious gifts that God will strew on our way. Thanks be to God!

Thought for the Day: For what am I giving thanks today?


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