November 20, 2019
For full passage click: Psalm 46:6-11 … “Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.” vs. 10
The Psalmist knew that God is heard most clearly in the sounds of silence and not in sermons or even the singing of Psalms. It’s nice to have solid preachers and gifted choirs in congregations, but God comes closest to us when we put aside words and simply listen in the stillness. Some find that hard to do. We seem to like noisy environments–even when we’re alone we use ear buds to bring in a steady stream of talk and song. The ancients didn’t have those distractions and learned to spend long periods of time in complete silence and meditation. It’s what Jesus did when he wanted to reconnect with God; he’d go away into the mountains or along the sea. When only the sounds of nature are present, and we close our mouths, God comes. And invariably we discover, as did the Psalmist, that God is worthy of exaltation, all day, every day. It may be a challenge for us, waiting on the Lord in silence probably isn’t one of our spiritual gifts. For some, it may feel like torture. We don’t like to be alone with our thoughts and crave external words. But when we can do it, if only for a few minutes, we make an amazing discovery. God comes in the silence and can actually be God for us–in those moments love fills our souls, and joy is our reward.
Thought for the Day: Where do I go to be still before God?