Daily Devotions: November 15, 2018

Daily Devotions: November 15, 2018

November 15, 2018

To read full passage, click: Hebrews 10:11-14 …“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.” vs. 14

Being a perfectionist can be a burden as we live in the rough and tumble of our complicated society. Those afflicted face a never-ending battle in nearly all their encounters and activities. Very seldom do they ever produce any work or do anything that matches their desires. No matter how hard they try, their eagle eyes are not satisfied. There will almost always be something wrong. Even worse are the pangs of guilt perfectionists feel in dealing with the presence of sin in their lives. Even when others judge them to be saints they know better. They’re acutely aware of the many ways they miss the mark every single day. Even though they know that there is forgiveness in Christ Jesus, they find it almost impossible to accept. They insist on beating themselves up about every real and imagined breach of conduct and almost seem to wear their guilt as a badge of honor. The writer of Hebrews would agree on the need for perfection but, he’d have a hard time understanding our love affair with guilt. In his eyes the record is clear. Jesus took care of all those things once for all with his sacrifice–with his offering we have become perfect. We really are the sanctified children of God. What a gift! We can choose to lament our imperfections if we like, but it’s really a pointless enterprise. In God’s eyes we are perfect, and that should be all that counts.

Thought for the Day: Why do some insist on carrying a burden of guilt?


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