May 7, 2020
1 Peter 2:1-5 … “like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” vs. 5
There have been some who have railed against the closing of churches in this time of quarantine, claiming that it is an aggressive act by an oppressive government. Others have laughed at the notion that any agency could have the power to close the church, and such persons are exactly right. The Church of Christ can never be identified with bricks and mortar, or building materials of any kind. As Peter described it, the Church is made up of living stones that have been built into a spiritual house. We are a holy priesthood, called by the Holy Spirit to offer ourselves as servants to the world. Those who have traveled to the Holy Land are reminded of this great truth with every visit. They go to see the ancient ruins and scattered stones of fallen basilicas, but their real inspiration comes from the living stones, the people of Israel and Palestine who continue to faithfully serve in trying and difficult circumstances. As those stories are heard, hearts are moved and pilgrims are inspired. So it is among us. Our sanctuaries may be empty but the living stones are alive; inspiring, encouraging, and bringing the love of Christ to all who are in need. When historians look back, it could very well be that they will report that it was in this time that followers of Jesus grew in grace and in faith more than any other.
Thought for the Day: How have I grown in these last months?