Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” vs. 11

John 15:9-12

These words are said in the context of Jesus’ last conversation with the disciples and indicate that he was well-pleased with them, and that their presence brought him joy. We know that feeling, that sense of satisfaction that a parent can have in looking around a festival table at the gathered faces of children and grandchildren. It’s a joy that bursts from the heart, and that is expressed with words of appreciation and love. Jesus tells his disciples that he wants that same joy to abide in their hearts, and that it would be enough for them, so that they would never have to yearn for anything more. As the centuries have passed joy has continued to be experienced among the followers of Jesus, and it’s often unrelated to external circumstances. It’s not the same as happiness, and we’re not talking about the fleeting joy that comes our way from time to time, the rejoicing that might come from a hole-in-one, or an unexpected Christmas gift. In fact, the joy that comes from the presence of Jesus can even be felt in times of sadness and suffering. We feel it in the surprise of exuberance in the most random situations, and the delight that pops into our minds in the course of daily living. What a blessing it is when people of joy populate our circle of friends! They are truly a gift from God!

Thought for the Day: What’s the difference between joy and happiness?


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