May 25, 2019
For full passage click: John 14:22-24 …“Jesus answered him, ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.’” vs. 23
Those who work with the public in any capacity have often noted that people can be, and often are, downright nasty and mean. They say and do hurtful things and seem to have no regard for the feelings of those who serve them. All of us have encountered such persons, and have maybe acted that way ourselves. The sad thing is, that some who behave in such a fashion, will consider themselves religious and pride themselves on their churchgoing habits. So what’s gone wrong? Of course that’s a question without a ready answer. There are countless factors that have powerful impact on our lives. Some blame parents while others point to societal pressures and influences. All we can say for sure is that this isn’t the way life is supposed to be. Somehow the Christ who dwells within all persons is stifled in some, and the Light has been obscured. Jesus says that the difference is love and that really seems to be true. We see it so clearly in those who take seriously his commandment to love one another as he has loved us. As they give themselves to others, love explodes within them—we hear it in their voices and see it in their faces. The God of Love has come into their lives, and lives in their hearts and the presence of the Christ is obvious—and life is good!
Thought for the Day: Do people choose to love or does it just happen?