March 3, 2020
Psalm 121 .. “I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” vss. 1-2
From ancient times humans have looked to the mountains as the dwelling place of the Divine Presence. The Hebrews were no different, people were forever building shrines in high places and using them for worship. The Psalmist likely shared in that understanding, he tells us that when trouble came he would lift up his eyes to the hills in his search for help. But he has an additional insight, one that derives from a more advanced theological understanding. He knew that his help would come, not from the mountains and the hills, but from the One who had made them. And so it is! Heaven and earth are full of God’s presence but God transcends all that exists–God is greater than we can even imagine. So when trouble stalks us and suffering visits our homes, God is never more than a breath away. Our Helper is constantly with us, in our coming and in our going, and every place in between. God has been with us in our pasts and God is our future. One day we will know God fully, just as we have been fully known. The psalmist found great security in that knowledge and so should we. Some days it may feel as though we are alone, but it’s all a mirage. Our God is always at hand!Thought for the Day: Where do I get a special sense of God’s presence?