Daily Devotions: March 3, 2019

Daily Devotions: March 3, 2019

March 3, 2019                                                                                                            

For full passage click: Luke 9:33-36“While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were terrified as they entered the cloud.” vs. 34

The disciples had seen Jesus in all his transfigured glory and they were stunned; they didn’t know what to make of the experience. Sometimes that’s what it’s like when we glimpse the Divine Presence in the course of journeying with Jesus. We’re befuddled and struggle to find a way to preserve and savor the moment. All we know is that it’s good to be with Jesus! But then comes the cloud and we are completely overshadowed. We can’t see Jesus anymore! Instead of glory there’s darkness, and it’s terrifying. One moment we’re on top of the world, and in the next we don’t know which way to turn. And then comes the surprise! God is in the cloud and from the cloud we hear our marching orders. “Listen to Jesus,” the voice proclaims and that’s all we need to find our way in the world. No matter what our profession or occupation, no matter what our age, in every circumstance looking to Jesus and listening to his words will provide a Way for us to live. In him we find our example and our model; he is our teacher and mentor. There’ll be mountaintop experiences as we follow Jesus, days of exultation and joy, and there’ll be the other days too, times of confusion and fear. It’s in those days, the cloudy ones, that God speaks to us most clearly.

Thought for the Day: Why is a cloud a good metaphor for God?


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