Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.” vs. 25

1 Corinthians 1:22-25

When Jesus was crucified, as far as the Jewish leaders were concerned, that was the end of his claim to be the messiah. But they hadn’t reckoned with the resurrection! As far as the disciples were concerned, his crucifixion was all part of the divine plan, and the cross became their rallying cry. They gloried in the message of the crucified Christ and proclaimed it wherever they traveled. The Jews had expected a king who would restore the kingdom to Israel. What they got was a plan of universal salvation that would restore fallen humanity. What had seemed to be foolish and weak turned out to be the wisdom and strength of God. There’s a part of us that would still like some triumphant power move from God, an army of angels from heaven perhaps, that would root out all sin and evildoers. Humans have always been suckers for the brash and the belligerent, and we half-way admire tyrants. But that is not how God operates. Instead of aggression we get unconditional love and relentless self-sacrifice, and ultimately it’s in death that we discover the door to eternal life. That the message that has been transforming lives for hundreds of years, and that’s the way it will continue to be. And bit by bit as we take that message to heart, we are recreated, and the image of God shines forth.

Thought for the Day: Why was the message of the cross so powerful?


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