Daily Devotions: March 1, 2020

Daily Devotions: March 1, 2020

March 1, 2020   

Matthew 4:1-11 … “The tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.’” vs. 3

Jesus had just experienced an encounter with God that had exploded his mind. He’d come out of the water and seen a dove circling down from the skies—and with the dove came a voice, “You are my Son, my Beloved, with you I am well-pleased.” It was an overwhelming word of affirmation, and he sensed in that moment that he was being called as God’s Messiah. But what then? The Spirit stayed with him and led him into the wilderness, the traditional place of testing for prophets. He fasted for a long time and then the onslaught began. The tempter came and started messing with his mind, and the attack centered on the affirmation. If Jesus could be led to doubt that he was the Beloved Son of God, his mission would fail. Jesus parried the probes and emerged from the wilderness full of confidence and power. Often we’re not as successful. It is so hard for us to believe that God’s heart is full of love and that we are the beneficiaries. Even though we, too, are the beloved of God, the tempter regularly tries to get us to doubt the relationship. It’s just easier to think we’re unworthy, the scum of the earth, and incapable of doing what God has in mind for us. But that’s not who we are! We‘re the Holy Children of God and the Evil One has no power over us!!

Thought for the Day: Why do I doubt myself so much?


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