June 4, 2020
Psalm 8:5-9 … “Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor.” vs. 5
Even though the Psalmist was convinced of humankind’s insignificance in the universe, he also believed that we stand out from the rest of creation in some significant ways. We’re not like dogs or cats, or any other creature, and he likely didn’t come to that conclusion from reading Genesis. For him it was a simple observation, and so it is for us. Almost all humans, no matter what faith family we belong to, have no difficulty believing that we have special significance in the hierarchy of being. In the Psalmist’s words, we have been crowned with glory and honor—but then comes his caveat, we are not God! No matter how highly we might think of ourselves, we are not in charge! Jesus alluded to this in the parables he told about stewardship. While it may seem as though we are in control of our labors and can reap all the benefits for ourselves, that’s only an illusion. There is an owner, and we are simply the stewards, and we are called to work as the owner has directed us. And because of our exalted position, even if it is only in our own minds, the entire creation is touched by our stewardship, for better or for worse! When we are faithful to our charge to “take care,” blessings will abound for all. When we are faithless — all are hurt!
Thought for the Day: What are my stewardship responsibilities?