July 15, 2020
Psalm 86:14-17 … “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” vs. 15
Through the years, many religions have offered compelling descriptions of God and have encouraged their adherents to take them to heart and make them the central truth of their lives. Unless those descriptions match those of the Psalmist in today’s text, they should be discarded and forgotten—they simply aren’t the truth! Some would question that assertion. They just don’t believe that anyone can know anything about God! They would therefore reason that anything we say about God’s nature is pure nonsense. Now they could be right, but their agnostic position is essentially hopeless, and most humans choose another way! By faith we believe that God exists, not as some idol crafted by our own hands, but as the eternal Mystery that has brought all things into existence. We may not be able to comprehend the majesty of God, but we can certainly know the benevolent nature of God. Those with eyes to see can experience the Divine Presence every day, and bask in the great gift of life that has been given to them. The Psalmist, facing all kinds of naysayers and enemies, knew in his heart that God was merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. And his words are the truth—and they give us hope, the greatest gift of all.
Thought for the Day: Why do some agnostics choose to have faith?