Daily Devotions: July 10, 2019

Daily Devotions: July 10, 2019

July 10, 2019   

Psalm 25:6-10 …“Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and of your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.” vs. 6

The psalmist has a close relationship with the Lord and knows very well that mercy and steadfast love have been attributes of God from the beginning. Like us however there were times when, because of external circumstances, he felt a need to remind the Lord that he needed a hug. That’s how it is when we’re in a love relationship, there’s incessant need to know that we’re loved even when our love partner is God. That’s especially true when things have not been going well, when other relationships are threatened or when we feel discouraged and hopeless. It could even be that our intentions have gone awry and we’ve been acting contrary to our calling. Instead of caring and serving we’ve turned arrogant and rude in our interactions. Sometimes rage pops up with surprising intensity when we least expect it! There are any number of things that can happen and cause us to wonder if perhaps God has finally gotten tired of us. Those are the times when it’s perfectly permissible to remind the Lord that mercy and steadfast love have been a part of the divine make-up from of old. It isn’t that God’s nature ever changes, we don’t need to worry about that. And really, we’re the ones that need the reminder, it’s what keeps us going through the tough times that are bound to come.

Thought for the Day: When have I needed a hug from God?


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