Daily Devotions: July 7 , 2018

Daily Devotions: July 7 , 2018

July 7, 2018

Mark 6:4-6…“And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And he was amazed at their unbelief.” vss. 5-6a

As Jesus had moved along the Sea of Galilee in the initial stages of his mission, he had been amazed at the faith of those who came to him for healing. They came trusting that he would be able to do something for them and he didn’t let them down. Always, there was a touch with a word of love and many were cured–it had been an amazing demonstration. But in his hometown things were different. A few came for healing, but this time Jesus was amazed at the level of unbelief he saw–it actually rendered him powerless! He could heal any disease, even restore life, but he couldn’t cure unbelief! Some of us have had that experience with unbelievers. Frequently members of our own families. We bring them for baptism, do our best to cultivate faith in them, pray for them regularly, and then they turn away. And there’s nothing that we can say or do to change their minds. Oh we might be able to guilt them into Easter or Christmas worship but we know that in their daily lives there just isn’t room for faith. Sometimes we feel guilty, but the truth is that we can’t make believers out of anyone, not even Jesus could do that. All we’re called to do is to keep on loving them and know in our hearts that God loves them, too. And really, that’s what matters most!

Thought for the Day: What if my loved one never becomes a believer?


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