To whom then will you compare me, or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these?” vss, 25-26a
Isaiah 40:21-26
Isaiah couldn’t understand why the people of Israel were so quick to abandon their trust in God. They got all roiled up with their worries about kings and rulers, and acted as though everything depended on them. We see the same thing in our own world. Elections are happening this year in dozens of countries. Everywhere people are taking to the streets and the airways, praising favorites and heaping contempt on their rivals. It’s a veritable political circus! Obviously our choices will be important, but if Isaiah is right, none of our politicians are going to be around for long. They’re like the weeds of the field. They sprout, grow, dry up, and blow away! Isaiah urged folks to lift up their eyes to the Lord, our creator God who brought all things into existence. His image of God is perhaps different from ours, but his exhortation is right on. All we see and hold dear is transient and fleeting. Even the longest lived empires are but a blink of the eye when compared to the age of the universe. That does not mean we should disdain the years that we have. Every day is precious and a gift, but life will go on. Because we want the best for our grandchildren we will vote and be concerned about elections, but trusting in politicians is not to be compared with trusting in God!
Thought for the Day: What worries people in my city?