As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people.’” vss. 16-17
Mark 1:16-18
Mark is the action gospel. The writer doesn’t include much of Jesus’ teaching–there’s no Sermon on the Mount and only a few parables–and Jesus is always on the move. He seems to have been alone as he entered Galilee and his first act as he walked along the Sea is to call some disciples. He is evidently not interested in their spirituality and he doesn’t bother to ask for volunteers. He simply says, “Follow me!” It’s likely that they were acquainted with him–perhaps they’d heard him preaching, or they may even have known of him. We don’t know if they were active in their synagogue or if they were literate. All we know is that they were fishermen, and that was enough for Jesus. This becomes the pattern for his ministry. He calls people where they are and as they are, and so it has continued through the centuries. As a result, people from all kinds of backgrounds and every educational level have heard the invitation that comes through the Holy Spirit, and have become followers of Jesus. And more than that, they have become leaders in the Church. It might seem a strange way to build a worldwide organization, but it seems to have worked very well.
Thought for the Day: What’s the difference between volunteering and being called?