January 20, 2019
To read full passage click: John 2:5-11 …“Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.” vs. 11
Oenophiles have long rejoiced in John’s assertion that God’s glory was first revealed in Jesus through the turning of water into wine. In their estimation, it marks wine as the world’s most divine beverage and destroys whatever similar claims brew-masters might make for their products. Of course that’s not what John had in mind at all! He mentions the wedding at Cana only to show that belief is triggered by experience and not by theological claims. Jesus’ disciples believed because they saw God revealed in his actions, even the mundane act of supplying good wine for a wedding feast. That’s still the way faith is formed in followers of Jesus. We don’t believe because of what others tell us about Jesus, we come to believe because we see the Spirit of Jesus active in their lives. When we see water becoming wine, the ordinary made holy, love active in compassion, we see the glory of God and are drawn to make our mentor’s journey our own. During this season of Epiphany we’ll be keeping our eyes open wide to see such manifestations of glory in the lives of the saints. We’ll not be looking for magic tricks or psychic wizardry. No, we’ll be moved by the light we see in people’s eyes and the spirit-enhancing passion of their actions and smiles. In them we’ll experience the good life–and maybe even share a glass of wine!
Thought for the Day: Where have I seen God’s glory revealed?