January 2, 2020
For full passage click: Ephesians 1:3-8 … “just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love.” vs. 4
In the beginning, the universe came into being through the infusion of the Christ, and through billions of years that Christ has continued to breathe life and light into the continuing creation–and that includes every member of the human race. None have been excluded. None have existence apart from Christ, and in Christ we are chosen and called to be holy and blameless while making the love of God incarnate. Too often, we’ve avoided our calling by using sin as an excuse, saying in effect that we’re too flawed to be holy and blameless. That claim, of course, is total nonsense, and negates all that God has done in Jesus. We’re not flawed, we’re forgiven! And sin is no longer a barrier to our righteousness. In Christ we can be the people God has called us to be. We can live as Jesus lived, working for justice and peace, showing kindness and mercy to all we encounter. Will we wander? Will we sin? Of course, but in Christ there is instantaneous, restorative power through the presence of God’s Holy Spirit. We aren’t lone rangers on our mission, we’re all members of a team, and by exercising our one weapon of love, together in Christ, we can change the world.
Thought for the Day: Who are the other members of my team?