Daily Devotions: January 16, 2020

Daily Devotions: January 16, 2020

January 16, 2020

For full passage click:  1 Corinthians 1:1-5  …  “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him…” vs. 4

Paul stayed in Corinth for about a year and a half on his second missionary journey, and was likely quite familiar with those who were a part of the little congregation that he started there. When he gets word that things are not going particularly well he sends a letter to address what had become a divisive situation. He isn’t angry with them, and lets them know in his greeting that he holds them in high esteem. Even though they have lots of questions and some behaviors have been troublesome, the presence of Christ is obvious among them–they have been enriched in every way. It’s likely that our communities of faith are the same. We who have been called to be saints and have been gathered into congregations, are the body of Christ in the place where we live. Sometimes we get off track, many times we have questions, and occasionally we behave poorly, but we are still people of faith, saved by the grace of God. As we look around at our worship gatherings, we see folks with remarkable gifts, people in whom the Spirit of Christ can be seen clearly. Not only are we a blessing to our communities, we are God’s gift to one another. Thanks be to God for the amazing brothers and sisters in our congregations!

Thought for the Day: What gifts are most evident in my congregation?


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