Daily Devotions: January 15, 2019

Daily Devotions: January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019                                                                                                                                    

To read full passage click: Psalm 36:5-8“Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O Lord.” vs. 6

It’s not unusual for one of our pets or animal companions to die. In fact, for many children, this is their first experience with the pain, tears, and sorrow that death can bring. Sometimes in their grief they’ll ask if their beloved cat or dog has gone to heaven, and parents have to come up with an answer. What a blessing it is in those moments to have an expansive sense of God’s intimate connection to all of creation. All creatures throughout the universe live and breathe and have their being in the transcendent and immanent Lord of all. Nothing is born or dies apart from God, so of course our pets go to heaven. As the years pass and children grow in understanding and wisdom, we can talk to them about heaven and its location outside the realm of time and space. but those who grieve aren’t much interested in deep answers. All they are looking for is a “yes” to help them dry their tears as they begin their lifelong dance with matters of living and dying. The psalmist understood that God is more mighty and elegant than we can possibly understand and was content to know that in God all things have their salvation. We don’t have to have fancy philosophical answers to the big questions of life. It is enough to know that, in God, all is well. And that’s good news for people of every age!

Thought for the Day: Why does the death of a pet hurt so much?


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