That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door.” vss. 32-33
Mark 1:29-34
Many congregations now have parish nurses on their staff, and people appreciate having skilled persons who can help them with the myriad of health issues that plague us as we age. Healing services are held regularly as a part of worship and people are glad for the opportunity to receive prayers, the laying on of hands, and be anointed with oil. Of course times have changed. In Jesus’ day traveling healers were the only show in town. Now we have whole networks of urgent care centers and hospitals where people go for health care. But care for the sick and the possessed will always be a part of our gospel imperative, and prayer for the sick are always in order. As soon as the Sabbath was over people flocked to see Jesus, bringing with them all who were sick or demon-possessed. Capernaum isn’t that large, and soon, Mark tells us, the whole city was gathered around the door of the house where he was staying. He may have been a great teacher, but it was his ability as a healer that drew the crowds. That connection between teaching and healing has continued to be at the core of the church’s growth as medical missionaries have led the way in spreading the good news around the world. Almost all hospitals have been started by faith-based organizations with a passion for the needs of the whole person.
Thought for the Day: What part does prayer play in healing?