Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” vs. 33
Mark 13:32-37
The emphasis on keeping alert in the apocalyptic teaching of Jesus is puzzling to some. They wonder why it’s so important to keep awake, and why the sleeping would be excluded when the faithful are gathered into the kingdom. We’d expect that if the Lord returns in clouds with multitudes of accompanying angels there’d be such a stir that even the dead would awaken. It’s that dramatic apocalyptic description that gets us off track. The truth is that the coming of the Lord is much subtler than we could ever expect, and unless we are alert we’re likely to miss it entirely. It can literally happen at any time, and it almost always catches us by surprise. Because life disguises itself as an unending series of indistinguishable days we can easily get caught up in our daily routines and rituals. We have regular encounters with a whole variety of friends and strangers that all melt together and that seem unremarkable. But it’s into that culture and environment that the Lord comes, always in disguise and imperceptible except to eyes of faith. When we are alert and not lulled to sleep by the sameness of our days, we do see the Lord Jesus and it doesn’t just happen once. It’ll happen this Advent! We can count on it. The Lord has come, and is coming again, and again, and again…
Thought for the Day: What’s the best way to keep alert?