Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and those who live on it will die like gnats; but my salvation will be forever, and my deliverance will never be ended.” vs. 6
Isaiah 51:3-6
At first glance the prophet’s vision for his people seems horribly depressing, but as we think about what he means, a deep and comforting truth is revealed. We tend to think of the future in terms of the present, that what we see and experience in this life will persist forever. Along with that notion many are tempted to make possessions the measure of success and the insurance of their future security. But Isaiah tells us everything that we can see and experience will have an ending, and he doesn’t leave anything out! Of course there’s no indication of when that will be, and it’s not likely to be soon. But all that is so important to us now – people, places, things – has a fleeting existence. In a couple of generations most of us will be long forgotten – even those photos we’ve so carefully preserved in the cloud will have disappeared. And that’s okay! We can still enjoy the present even if there is no warranty, and besides, as the prophet says, God’s salvation is forever, and that’s our real hope for the future. As long as God is, we will be!
Thought for the Day: How do I feel about being forgotten?