Daily Devotions: August 2, 2019

Daily Devotions: August 2, 2019

August 2, 2019

For full passage click: Colossians 3:5-11 … “In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!” vs. 11

Even though we are called to discipline as we move from death to resurrection, the renewal does not depend on our success or failure. To say that it does would remove Christ from the equation, and Paul knows that such can never be the case. He has a vision of newness that is beyond anything ever before experienced by humanity. This is not just a new religion with revised rituals and commandments. Rather, in Christ differences have been wiped away. There are no racial, religious, national, or social distinctions any longer. He sums everything up with these words, “Christ is all and in all!” What an amazing, gracious, and far-reaching vision! All things and all people belong to Christ, even those who have been caught up in the ways of the world. Even wandering children who have rejected the values in which they were raised. Right now our vision of the Christ is obscured. There’s a lot of nasty stuff going on, but the transition has only begun! But one day we’ll know Christ not only as the Alpha, but as the Omega point of all time. He is the beginning and the end. In the meantime, it’s enough to be content with glimpses. The renewal has begun—the signs are all around us.

Thought for the Day: Where do I see signs of renewal?


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