August 13, 2019
For full passage click: Isaiah 5:4-7 … “For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the people of Judah are his pleasant planting; he expected justice, but saw bloodshed; righteousness, but heard a cry!” vs. 7
We frequently read Scripture from an individual perspective, looking for guidance and hope in our own changing circumstances, and often the verses speak directly to our hearts. Isaiah however, wasn’t speaking to individuals, he was addressing the nation on behalf of the Lord, and he wasn’t offering compliments! Israel had been called to be a land of justice and righteousness, a veritable light for the world, and it had failed miserably. Now it would have to face the consequences. When the United States was established, many saw it as a city on a hill, a nation full of promise that would be a blessing for all people. At times in our history, it has been just that, a land of freedom and opportunity, one in which the highest ideals of humanity could be realized. But our country is not perfect. Grave errors have been made. Injustices have been perpetuated. Some would say that it’s gotten turned in upon itself. Violence and bloodshed have become commonplace. Ugly rhetoric has displaced compromise in our congress and legislatures. Fear and distrust are everywhere as politicians vie for power and control. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be instruments of peace and love in the midst of the turmoil. By ourselves there’s little we can do, but together we are a force for righteousness and justice.
Thought for the Day: Why is politics so divisive?