April 30, 2019
For full passage click: Acts 9:4-6 …“He asked, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ The reply came, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.’” vs. 5
Luke tells us that, as Saul was traveling along the road to Damascus, there had been a flash of light and then the words, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” It was quite an introduction! Saul hadn’t known Jesus of Nazareth. There’s no record he ever met him or heard him preach. But now he’d had a face-to-face encounter with the Resurrected Jesus, that one he would come to know as the Christ. Those few words tell us that the word was already out. The followers of Jesus were his presence in the world, and that’s still how we think of ourselves. We’re made members of Christ’s body in our baptisms and we are called to continue the mission of Jesus. As has been said so many times, we are his hands and feet in the world. Saul as Paul would even say that we actually embody the Christ! It’s not that much of a stretch to say then that God has become incarnate in every single one of us. We make this claim not to exalt ourselves, but as a reminder that everything we do and say has significance and importance. We’ve not been called to look to our own needs but to the needs of others. Through us, the world itself is being transformed and changed. It might take a while, but one day the kingdom of heaven will be present on earth!
Thought for the Day: If God is incarnate in me, why am I so screwed up?