Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.” vs. 20
1 John 4:17-21
During these last decades it’s been stunning to see people who claim to be Christians joining the choruses of hate that masquerade as public discourse in our country and around the world. Claiming to possess freedom of speech they regularly disparage and belittle opponents at every opportunity. Could it be that they’ve never read Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount where he encouraged his disciples to love their enemies and pray for their persecutors? Maybe they missed these words from John where he says that love for God and hatred for enemies is incompatible. It really is discouraging to see how shallow Christianity has become in the lives of some claiming to be adherents. They have the latest Jesus tee shirts and love to advertise their love for God, but their behaviors make a joke of their public testimony. Admittedly good people can hold passionate positions about matters of faith and life, but that’s no reason to demean or ridicule those with opposite opinions. Nor do we have to keep our mouth shut about what we believe–people of faith should be able to have difficult conversations. But they will always be conducted in an atmosphere of kindness and mutual love. Of course such loving is not easy–that’s just the way it is with sacrificial love!
Thought for the Day: Who would it be easy for me to hate?