April 24, 2019
For full passage click: Psalm 118:21-29 …“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” vs. 24
An increasing number of people are uncomfortable using religious language in their daily lives; some because they don’t believe in God, and others because they have abandoned religion in favor of what they call ‘spirituality.’ As a result, they are limited in their ability to express wonder at the sheer gift of life. Presumably, even atheists and agnostics appreciate being alive in such a spectacular and beautiful universe. Even if they ascribe its existence to sheer chance and deny any transcendent power, being alive is a pretty awesome experience. And none of us earned the life we have. Everything we see, smell, hear, touch, or feel is a gift. So who or what does an unbeliever or a skeptic thank for so great a gift? Or isn’t thanksgiving necessary? The psalmist wasn’t troubled by such questions, and he had no doubts about who he should thank! His words have been used by millions throughout the centuries as the very best way to greet the morning. “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” It’s possible to plod along through life whining and complaining, and showing no appreciation for blessings, but what a shallow and ungrateful way to live. Even birds start the day with songs of joy. Surely humans can do the same. It might even change the way we live!
Thought for the Day: What is my morning prayer?