April 22, 2019
For full passage click: Acts 5:29-32 …“But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than any human authority.’” vs. 29
Peter and the apostles didn’t hesitate when they were challenged by the high priest and told to stop ministering to the sick and teaching in the temple. They had a higher calling, their allegiance was to Jesus and not to any temporal or religious authorities. Through the centuries, the faithful have continued to model that commitment whenever the laws or teachings of the world have come into conflict with the principles of the kingdom of God. Many became martyrs, others were ostracized, but always they have demonstrated that they are not the puppets of any political leaders. In our day, we’ve seen such servants of God engage in protests, break unjust laws, and regularly participate in acts of civil disobedience. It’s what followers of Jesus do. They won’t put up with corrupt, immoral, or unethical leaders. They won’t turn a blind eye to those who use laws to abuse the weak and enrich the powerful. What a blessing such persons are in this age of expediency, when integrity and honesty are regularly set aside for the sake of financial or political gain! It’s not easy to speak the truth to power when lies and deception are the order of the day. But when Christ is loose in the world truthing happens in the most unlikely places. Ordinary men and women stand tall and proud for Jesus’ sake, and bit by bit the kingdom comes on earth as well as in heaven.
Thought for the Day: When have I obeyed God rather than a human authority?