April 19, 2020
John 20:26-31 … “But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” vs. 31
When John wrote his Gospel there was no doubt about his convictions or his intentions. He may not have known Jesus personally, but he was certainly aware of his life and ministry, and he had come to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. He was convinced that Jesus was the enfleshment of the Word present at creation, the One through whom all things came into existence. Jesus was the Christ of God, and through him the Light of God had shone forth for all to see. John also knew that it wasn’t enough to record Jesus’ words and recount the events of his life as other Gospel writers had done. So John carefully chose seven events from the life of Jesus that he called “signs.” These were seven times in which Jesus had revealed the glory of God in concrete and visible ways. They weren’t the only signs Jesus had done but John believed that they would be enough to convince his readers that Jesus was the Messiah. Indeed, through the centuries John’s little book has been a particular favorite for many. It’s really more about Christ than it is about Jesus, but through it millions of lives have been changed as people have come to believe Jesus is the Christ, and in believing have caught glimpses of the new life our loving God has for all people.
Thought for the Day: What do I like about the Gospel of John?