Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

You have put gladness in my heart more than when their grain and wine abound. I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.” vss. 7-8

Psalm 4

The psalmist was content. Even though the people around him were yearning for a glimpse of light and some sign of good, he had all that his heart could desire. The Lord had put gladness in his heart and he was even able to sleep through the night in peace. The woes of the world couldn’t touch his serenity! The hours of darkness really are a good test for our peace of mind. There is so much going on in the world and people seem to delight in ramping up the anxiety level. Bad economic news is a constant, and there are always stories of violence and injustice. A glance at the evening news can produce hours of tossing and turning, and only minutes of fitful sleep. The psalmist points in another direction and thanks God for the gladness in his heart. That same thing can happen for us. It isn’t that we need to turn off our phones and TVs in the evening, but it’s essential that we realize that there’s more to life than what is reported by the fear mongers. We have a God who is, and who always will be, and God’s love is what makes our pillows soft and our beds so sweet. How good it is to close our eyes at night with prayers of Thanksgiving on our lips!

Thought for the Day: What keeps me up at night?


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